Monday, April 18, 2011

DAY 3 - Thank you & Breakfast

Have you noticed that there is always some kind of note attached to my breakfast post? Haha :)

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you all for being so wonderful. When I started this journey, only a couple days ago, I was alone. I was strong, but sometimes I lacked motivation for I had no one to cheer for me. Now I have 12 beautiful followers and a couple more girls that comment on my posts all the time. It means the world to me. It is great to know that there is people out there that understand, approve and support my choices. It is great to know that there is people out there who read and care about what I have to say. I'll always be here for every single one of you. You can count on me. 
Now for the breakfast. Today is Day 3, meaning I can have 300 cal. My breakfast will be extremely small, yet super delicious! Wanna take a guess? 

- 1 Dannon Lit & Fit Yogurt (Raspberry) = 80 cal

Total Breakfast: 80 cal
Total today: 80 cal
Calories left: 220

I am pretty sure some of you guessed it! Teehee! I've been eating these a lot lately! They are really great and come in many different flavours. Right now I have a stock of Strawberry & Banana, Peach, Vanilla, and Raspberry, but there are many more available. You girls should give them a try! ;)


  1. I love the peach flavor. I <3 peaches. Real peaches even feed my hunger for morbidity because the pits are poisonous, haha.
    Glad to see you seem to be in high spirits.
    <3 Jenny

  2. Ahh i love those!! I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog, you're a good writer and I DEFINITELY know how great it is to have people supporting your journey!!! I'm impressed by your followers, i have one haha..struggle. But I'll be reading all your posts! keep it up :]

  3. yogurts rock my world. the breakfast of champions. :)
