Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Let me share some THINSPIRATION


  1. Hey girl, so sorry to say it, but I don't have Skype. How 'bout messenger? Hotmail or something? Or maybe Facebook, if you want to?
    Not everyone feels like sharing such a personal thing with people they don't know. So it's cool if you don't want to :)

    Beautiful pictures! I love the last one. That's so me in 5 years! xD <3
    Stay strong, xoxo

  2. Fasting became my strong point once upon a time. I don't do it so much anymore, maybe once a week. I usually do 0 calorie fasts, so I drink diet cokes and sobe lifewater and unsweetened tea and water. It's pretty simple. My body has become immune to it's effectiveness lately. I lost 40 lbs, gained 10, and I've only lost 3 since then. It's the mega downside to restricting--it doesn't always work.
    Gray outs are when you stand up and your vision gets all gray and speckled, plus you get dizzy. It happens to most people, but it goes away after a few seconds usually. No worries (:
