Monday, April 18, 2011

According to my calculations...

I had 330 cal today (max):

- 80 from the yogurt in the morning
- 100 from the cookie (please Lord, make it so that it didn't have more than that!)
- 150 from the plums (since I ended up eating a little more)

The goal was 300 though, meaning that I have failed. However, I did work out a little today, so I think I burnt those 30 extra cal. Also, I am pushing all my values up, so it is possible that I actually had less calories than these.

Anyway, tomorrow is Day 4 so I should have 400 cal! Nevertheless, I am thinking about cutting it down to 300 :) 

I wanna be skinny so so bad. 


  1. I'm doing ABC also. Tomorrow is day 3 for me. Hope I can do it. We should do this together. It's hard. I'm in the same situation you're in :-/ hate it. It's so hard too. Ugh

  2. I've managed to kill the feeling of jealousy with utter HORROR at being able to think such a thing, even for a few seconds. I feel so dirty, IO honestly thought I had more common decency than that! *Sigh* This disorder turns you into a person you don't much like at times D:

    Thank you for the encouraging words :) Totally wanted to fall over and die at the gym, but I just kept telling the cybex (IN MY HEAD!) that I was stronger than that mechanical piece of shit and it couldn't beat me ^.^

    Do you use a calorie counting program? I like because it takes you BMR (based on height+weight+age+activity level) into account for what you burn. You enter what you eat, and what you've done for the day and voila, out pops an accurate accounting. So handy!


  3. I don't have MSN :-( I have AIM. I could always download msn though.
