Thursday, August 4, 2011

I am back

So... I became depressed and started eating like a pig, which caused my weight to get to 141 pounds. Then I realized how HORRIBLE I was starting to look and begun a new diet. 

Currently I am traveling with two friends so it is really hard to avoid eating without them noticing, but nevertheless I managed to lose 8 pounds in 5 days. I know it isn't a record, but hey! It's the best I could do under the circumstances. 

I have been eating a meal a day, always dinner for various reasons:

1) I need to eat at least once or they will find it odd.
2) If I go without eating 'till the night then there are no other times to eat. If I ate at lunch I would feel more tempted to eat at dinner again.

I hope I can start fasting soon, though. Cant wait 'till this trip is over! 

Oh and btw: my current goal is 110 pounds.


  1. Damnnn girl! That's awesome! Keep it up :)

  2. 8 pounds! ah im jealous, we are the exact same weight with the exact same goal, however im fairly muscular due to all the exercise i do, so ive also been measuring myself once a week too.
